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The Best Pirate Games on PS5

Best Pirate Games PS5

A pirate’s life may not be for all, but for some it’s attractive. Time spent on the ocean seas, seeing spectacular sights, getting drunk and singing shanties – what’s not to love? Well, probably the whole piracy part, where conflict could break out at any time putting all involved in mortal danger. Ultimately, then, while we’re not cut out for piracy in real life, in the world of videogames we’re happy to jump in. But what are the best pirate games on PS5?

We’ve sailed far and wide, raised our flags and boarded a few ships all virtually in our time, and so we’ve put together a list of the best pirate games on PS5 for you. Some of them let you truly live out the pirate life, others require you to employ strategy and there are even some that are more story-driven. Needless to say, if you’re into pirates, you should find something here to entertain you.

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1. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

It’s quite old now, having originally launched towards the end of the PS3/Xbox 360 life-cycle, but Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag is the ultimate pirate game. Luckily for us, it also had a PS4 release, which means that it’s also playable on PS5 thanks to backwards compatibility. In Black Flag you can sail the seas to your heart’s content, engage other ships in combat to steal their cargo, and explore a vast number of areas on foot. Even better, all this complements a fantastic story which features lots of famous pirates. It may not look all that great, now, then, but if you’re after the best pirates games to play on PS5 this is still a must-have.

Check the price of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

2. Tortuga – A Pirate’s Tale

Tortuga - A Pirate's Tale

Tortuga – A Pirate’s Tale is another great game for those looking to engage in some piracy. This time though, there’s much less action involved. Here, you’ll sail the seas, completing a wide range of missions as you seek to become one of the most successful pirate’s that ever lived. You’ll need to manage your crew, upgrade and acquire new ships, and emerge victorious in thrilling turn-based ship battles. Just be careful of failure, or your crew might just turn against you.

Read our review of Tortuga – A Pirate’s Tale

Check the price of Tortuga – A Pirate’s Life

3. Return to Monkey Island

Return to Monkey Island PS5

Next up, something a little bit different. If you’re of a certain age, you might remember the Monkey Island games. Well, how about a brand-spanking new entry? This pirate-themed point and click adventure series has a wicked sense of humour and is full of conundrums that you’ll wrack your brain to solve. Of course, you’ll get more out of this title if you’re familiar with the series, but even if you’re not, this has been designed so that it’s accessible to newcomers, too. So, for those seeking out the best pirate games on PS5 who love narrative-driven adventures, this one is a must.

Read our review of Return to Monkey Island

Check the price of Return to Monkey Island

4. Port Royale 4

How about a game where you want to avoid pirates at all cost? That’s the case in Port Royale 4, where as the governor of a small colony you’ll seek to succeed at trade in order to grow your settlement into bustling city. But of course, it won’t be easy. You’ll need to create production chains and trade routes, and fend off competition from other colonies also vying for growth. And then there are pirates. Will you be able to fend them off when they attack? These are all things you need to work towards and consider.

Read our review of Port Royale 4

Check the price of Port Royale 4

5.King of Seas

King of Seas 2

On the face of it, King of Seas shares a lot in common with Tortuga – A Pirate’s Life further up this list. There’s one major difference, however; this is an action RPG. Aiming to be the titular King of Seas, you’ll need to explore, engage in trade, and of course commit acts of piracy to push you further toward your goals. But instead of laborious turn-based combat, you deal with your opponents in real time. All this makes King of Seas one of the most engaging and fun pirate games on PS5, especially as it isn’t so serious.

Read more about King of Seas

6. GreedFall

GreedFall is another game on this lost of the best pirate games on PS5 where you’re not actually a pirate. In fact, GreedFall isn’t really a game about pirates at all. So why is it on here then? Well, because it feels rather piratey. In this open world action RPG, you’re free to explore as you see fit. And it’s when doing so that you’ll feel a wonderful sense of adventure. Throw in plenty of ports to visit full of sailors and mercenaries, and you’ll soon begin to feel like a pirate, left on shore to complete a great journey. Basically, GreedFall is just a bloody good game that has a piratey feel. Is that not enough?

Read our review of GreedFall

Check the price of GreedFall

Editor in Chief // An avid gamer since discovering the wonders of the Acorn Electron in the '80s, Rich has nearly played more games than he's had hot dinners. Not one to put all his eggs in one basket, Rich is happy to play games of all genres, but he particularly enjoys racing games and anything that's full of non-stop action, especially if it includes a good dose of humour, horror or crudeness!