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Yes, You Can Buy Credits With Real Money in Gran Turismo 7 – But You Shouldn’t

Gran Turismo 7 Nissan_Silvia_spec-R_Aero_(S15)_Touring_Car_Tsukuba Circuit_03_ (1)

Gran Turismo 7 is finally released today. And what a game it is.

You can read our review of it here, but the gist of it is that this is the Gran Turismo you know and love. That means it’s a little bit kooky and the menus are clunky, but the racing is absolutely fantastic. Get drawn in and you’ll be absolutely consumed by Gran Turismo 7, addicted to its cycle of earning credits, buying cars and then completing events to earn yet more credits and continue the cycle. Unless you get distracted by taking photos in Scapes mode or something.

One thing we aren’t particularly happy to see in Gran Turismo 7, however, is the ability to buy in-game credits with real-world money. Although it’s nothing new. Gran Turismo 6 also lets you buy in-game credits, while Gran Turismo Sport simply lets you buy cars. But of course, you don’t need to. All of the cars in Gran Turismo 7 can be purchased using credits you’ve earned in-game. Even better, they’re not all that hard to get. So, put all notions of buying in-game credits with your hard-earned money out of your head unless you’re a millionaire, because it’s really not necessary.

Instead, all you need to do is simply play the game. The credits you receive for winning races start out low at first, but before you know it you’re winning in excess of 50,000 credits each time. And if you drive cleanly, you can even boost your earnings by 50%. If you really want to earn big bucks, however, then keep an eye out for events that have chilis on them when exploring World Circuits. Granted, theses are harder events with more aggressive A.I. and higher PP limits, so not everyone will be able to conquer them so easily. But if you can master them, they have increased credits rewards. Keep it clean, and you can rake in a fortune.

It costs £15.99 for 2,000,000 credits on the PlayStation Store. You can buy some pretty snazzy cars with that. But will you feel like you’ve earned them? No. For some, the instant gratification and access to cars that would otherwise be out of their reach for a good number of hours will outweigh the cost. But this is Gran Turismo. Those who know the series well will be aware that the best stuff is reserved for those who put the hours in, master the tracks and dominate the competition. Why buy the game if you don’t want to play it?

Editor in Chief // An avid gamer since discovering the wonders of the Acorn Electron in the '80s, Rich has nearly played more games than he's had hot dinners. Not one to put all his eggs in one basket, Rich is happy to play games of all genres, but he particularly enjoys racing games and anything that's full of non-stop action, especially if it includes a good dose of humour, horror or crudeness!