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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge Dimension Shellshock DLC Launches 31st August

TMNT Dimension Shellshock DLC

As if there aren’t already enough games vying for our time this month, we might also now have to return to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge.

It’s been announced that the eagerly-awaited Dimension Shellshock DLC for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge will launch on 31st August, injecting more life into the brilliant side-scroller. The DLC will be available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Switch and PC, and will cost just $7.99.

Those purchasing the Dimension Shellshock DLC will gain access to two new playable characters: Miyamoto Usagi, a fan-favourite ally to the turtles and star of the famous Usagi Yojimbo comic book series, and Karai, former foot soldier turned turtle supporter. They bring the number of playable characters up to a whopping nine, giving you plenty of options when either playing alone or with friends.

Related: The Best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Games You Can Play Right Now

New characters aren’t the only thing offered by the new DLC, however: there’s also a new Survival game mode. In Survival mode, collectible crystals will allow players to jump between dimensions, each with their own unique look and feel. And as you do battle, new tracks composed by Tee Lopes will keep you invested in the action. It’s a mode that should keep players returning to the game time and time again.

Even those who don’t purchase the Dimension Shellshock DLC will have something to look forward to on 31st August, as a free update for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge will also be released, offering an additional range of colour palette options. So, whether you’re prepared to spend any more money on the game or not, there’ll be some reason to boot Shredder’s Revenge up again.

Check out a new trailer for the Dimension Shellshock DLC below.

Buy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge

Editor in Chief // An avid gamer since discovering the wonders of the Acorn Electron in the '80s, Rich has nearly played more games than he's had hot dinners. Not one to put all his eggs in one basket, Rich is happy to play games of all genres, but he particularly enjoys racing games and anything that's full of non-stop action, especially if it includes a good dose of humour, horror or crudeness!