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A New PlayStation 5 Beta System Software Update Adds Accessibility Features and More

PlayStation 5 (1)

Sony has released the beta version of their latest PlayStation 5 System Software, adding accessibility features and much more.

The snag is that the PlayStation 5 System Software beta is “limited to invited participants in select countries”, but it will be getting a full release later this year. There are, however, some pretty excellent features in there.

First up are the accessibility features which aren’t exclusive to Sony’s new controller. You can set up two controllers to acts as a single controller, letting one player act as a co-pilot. Or, alternatively, you can use two controllers yourself.

The system software also adds support for Dolby Atmos-enabled audio devices and lets you invite a player into a party without making them part of a group. The PS5 added party features relatively recently, but this essentially lets a guest player join you.

The update will also let you use a 8 TB M2 SSD. The update was previously 4 TB but don’t punch the air just yet. It’ll cost you at least $700 for a 8 TB M2 SSD, likely much more. But if you’re prepared to pay more then the cost of the console itself, go ahead.

You can also now search for games within your library a welcome feature that, honestly, should have been added much earlier. Still, if you do have a 8 TB M2 SSD you’ll be glad of it. Oh, and you can now stop your PS5 beeping when you turn it on or off.

You can find the full list of PlayStation 5 Beta System Software improvements here. They’ll be rolling out later this year but if you do get a beta invite you can try them now.

Weekend Editor // Chris has been gaming since the days of the Acorn Electron, which was allegedly purchased to 'help him with his homework'. You can probably guess how well that went. He’ll tackle most genres – football titles aside – though he has a taste for games that that are post-apocalyptic, horror-oriented or thought provoking in nature.