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The Best Flying Games on Xbox

Microsoft Flight Simulator Top Gun Expansion

After the best flying games on Xbox? You’ve come to the right place.

If you want to take to the skies and fly to your heart’s content, Xbox might just be the be the best format to do it with. That’s because there are a wealth of flying games available on the format, including what is quite possibly the best flight sim available right now. So, what are the best flying games on Xbox?

We’ve put together a short list of what we believe are the best flying games currently available on Xbox consoles. All of them are playable on Xbox One in some form, but for the best experience, an Xbox Series X is recommended. In any case, there are a wide range of titles here, allowing players to simply explore, race, or engage in heart-pounding dogfights. Needless to say, there’s something for everybody.

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1. Microsoft Flight Simulator

Microsoft Flight Simulator 3 (1)

The Microsoft Flight Simulator series has kept wannabe pilots happy for years, and against all odds it’s now available on consoles. What a time to be alive. While Microsoft Flight Simulator can only natively be played on Xbox Series X/S and consoles, those with a Game Pass Ultimate subscription can stream it to their Xbox One consoles. Either way, this is a seriously impressive piece of software that lets players learn how to actually fly a plane, as well as offering fun to those who simply want to take to the skies. When it comes to the best flying games on Xbox this is the best. Although those wanting a more arcadey experience may want to look elsewhere.

Read our review of Microsoft Flight Simulator

Check the price of Microsoft Flight Simulator

2. Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown

Ace Combat 7 1

If you’re a fan of Top Gun and want a game that offers similar scenarios, the Ace Combat series is for you. The latest entry is Ace Combat 7: Skies Beyond, and while its some years old now it still impresses. Jump into its campaign and you’ll find yourself spearheading numerous harrowing missions, engaging in dogfights and bombing runs in a range of craft. It even has online multiplayer, allowing you to test your dogfighting skills against others. Needless to say, for those seeking out the best flying games on Xbox, this is the most exciting one on offer.

Read our review of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown

Check the price of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown

3. SkyDrift Infinity

Skydrift Infinity 2 (1)

Want to race a range of planes through varied environments? Check out SkyDrift Infinity. This digital-only release is available at a budget price, and it feels like a blast from the past. In its campaign mode you’ll sit in the cockpits of numerous craft, competing for the number one spot. And while your flying skills will certainly be tested, you’ll also need to effectively make use of weapons and powerups. It’s just a shame that it’ll be over before you know it: it’s fairly short. And while there is online multiplayer, you’ll have a hard time finding someone to play with.

Read our review of Skydrift Infinity

4. Chorus


We had some issues with Chorus when it first launched. Thankfully many of them have been ironed out now, so it’s a more enjoyable experience. Forget fighter jets and craft equipped with propellers: in Chorus you’re piloting a living weapon. That means it has a range of advanced abilities and manoeuvres for you to master. Our favourite is the drift, which allows for tight turns to be made while also targeting multiple adversaries. It’s fantastical, then, but if you’re after the best flying games on Xbox, it’s well worth a look. Oh, and it looks phenomenal on Xbox Series X.

Read our review of Chorus

Check the price of Chorus

5. War Thunder

War Thunder 3

Being a free-to-play game, War Thunder is great for those wanting a flying game to play on Xbox without having to fork out any money. And while it’s primarily an online multiplayer game, it does have some PvE content including solo missions. There’s a lot to like about  the action on offer here, too, with a vast number of maps to play on and vehicles to take control of. That’s right, you’re not restricted to just planes, so if you do get board of flying, you can trying something new. Your best bet is to give it a download and see if you gel with it. If you do, you might not mind spending a bit of money to make it even more enjoyable.

6. Star Wars Squadrons

Star Wars Squadrons 3 (1)

Are you a fan of Star Wars? If so, and you’re after the best flying games on Xbox, you need to play Star Wars Squadrons. This obviously offers a unique experience compared to the likes of Microsoft Flight Simulator and Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, but it’s exhilarating nonetheless. Across its entertaining campaign, you’ll be tasked with completing numerous missions, each testing your piloting skills in one way or another. Only the skilled will be able to complete these missions unscathed, especially with the difficulty turned up. And for those who really want to prove themselves, online multiplayer is available for truly heated dogfights.

Read our review of Star Wars: Squadrons

Check the price of Star Wars Squadrons

Editor in Chief // An avid gamer since discovering the wonders of the Acorn Electron in the '80s, Rich has nearly played more games than he's had hot dinners. Not one to put all his eggs in one basket, Rich is happy to play games of all genres, but he particularly enjoys racing games and anything that's full of non-stop action, especially if it includes a good dose of humour, horror or crudeness!