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Super Catboy Review – An Old-Fashioned Platformer With Cattitude

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In the past, we’ve had 2D platformers featuring hedgehogs, bobcats, geckos and even earthworms. Now you can add a regular domesticated cat to that list. Although as you can imagine from a game named Super Catboy, this cat has some nifty tricks up his sleeves, courtesy of a mad scientist who’s done some devious experiments with him, and his new best friend, Weapongirl.

Escaping from confinement, Super Catboy finds you embarking on an adventure to thwart your captor’s nefarious plans. Luckily your goals align with that of the slightly deranged Weapongirl, and after gifting you some guns plus some nifty dash shoes, you’re more than ready for the task. All that stands between you and your goal is a dog army and a host of devious traps.

While being a 2D platformer at its core, the inclusion of guns also gives Super Catboy a bit of a run ‘n’ gun feel. You race through one level after another, collecting coins and other collectibles while negotiating platforms, avoiding hazards and combating dog soldiers. Up close you can get handy with your paws, with a combo putting most enemies down for good. But if you have the ammo, a few bullets at range also does the trick.

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Throughout the adventure you’ll pick up other guns you can use, too, but here lies one of the few problems you’ll encounter with Super Catboy. If you jump or perform a melee attack while holding a special weapon you’ll drop it on the floor – it’s a mechanic that sucks a little fun out of the game and also makes it a bit messy, with weapons being picked up and dropped perhaps a few times when you encounter them.

Other issues you might run into while playing Super Catboy is not being able to make the game truly fullscreen and a tumultuous level of difficulty. For the most part it’s a breeze, but every some often you come up against a section or boss fight that’s devious. Some players might also not get on too well with the dash mechanic – we found turning off double-tapping a direction to dash helped, relying instead on the shoulder buttons.

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Despite these issues, though, we’ve still had a lot of fun with Super Catboy. This is a charming platformer that genuinely feels like a classic from yesteryear. Its visuals are simply adorable, and its soundtrack enjoyable to listen to. It tries to pack in a bit of variety, too, with some levels seeing you riding on the back of a motorcycle, for example.

Chances are it’ll only take you a few hours to beat Super Catboy, and you might encounter some frustrations along the way, but for the most part you’ll likely be playing with a smile plastered on your face. With his red jacket and cool shoes, the star of this adventure is instantly likeable. Factor in the budget price, and there’s not really much to lose.

Super Catboy Review – GameSpew’s Score

This review of Super Catboy was facilitated by a code provided by the game’s publisher. It’s available on PC.
Editor in Chief // An avid gamer since discovering the wonders of the Acorn Electron in the '80s, Rich has nearly played more games than he's had hot dinners. Not one to put all his eggs in one basket, Rich is happy to play games of all genres, but he particularly enjoys racing games and anything that's full of non-stop action, especially if it includes a good dose of humour, horror or crudeness!