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Alan Wake Remastered is Coming to Nintendo Switch and the TV Show is a Go

alan Wake II Concept Art

Alan Wake Remastered is coming to the Nintendo Switch but that’s not the only revelation from the recent Alan Wake 12th Anniversary Update

We’re glad that Nintendo Switch players will soon be able to dive into this weird and, at times, hugely unsettling world, even if they have to wait till fall. The downside is that they, like other Alan Wake aficionados, will have to deal with this survival horror outing ending on a cliffhanger. But, as we noted in our review,  if you “..love spooky games with strong stories and plenty of action, consider this remaster a must-have.”

However, the 12th Anniversary Update had something to say about Alan Wake II. It featured Sam Lake, Creative Director of developer Remedy, and Ikka Villi, and Matthew Porretta, Alan Wake’s actor and voice actor, the latter of whom are reprising their roles in the upcoming sequel.

Between them, they revealed that Alan Wake II is well under way, though there’s no release date or even release year as yet. They also showed off some concept art, including the gloomy street you can see at this top of the page. Could horror novelist Wake be heading to the big city in an effort to fight the dark presence that has plagued him?

It’s possible, but the fact that it’s labelled “DarkPlace_Streets” suggests that, for at least a sizeable chunk of the game, he’ll.. actually, we won’t spoil it. Just play Alan Wake Remastered if you’ve not already done so and the game will fill you in.

The anniversary video, which was hosted by Remedy’s community manager Vida Starčević, also revealed that AMC (the company behind The Walking Dead show) have purchased the rights to the Alan Wake TV series and while, again, there’s no solid release date, it’s definitely moving forward. If you want a taste of what an Alan Wake TV series might be like, we’d recommend you check out Bright Falls, the YouTube series that accompanied the original Alan Wake’s release.

So, if you’re an Alan Wake fan there’s a lot to look forward to. Though if Alan Wake II ends on another cliffhanger and we have to wait another 12+ years for a sequel, we might get a little miffed.

Weekend Editor // Chris has been gaming since the days of the Acorn Electron, which was allegedly purchased to 'help him with his homework'. You can probably guess how well that went. He’ll tackle most genres – football titles aside – though he has a taste for games that that are post-apocalyptic, horror-oriented or thought provoking in nature.