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Dying Light 2 is Getting a Flesh-Eating the Walking Dead Crossover

Dying Light 2 The Walking Dead

Dying Light 2 is set to cross over with The Walking Dead, which we’re hoping means double the zombies.

The Walking Dead crossover was announced via the official Dying Light Twitter account. “Dying Light 2 joins forces with The Walking Dead by ..in a thrilling crossover event. Survive, scavenge, and slay the undead like never before!”, the Tweet boasted.

We’re not entirely sure how the parkour zombie-slaying game will be enriched by this crossover. As much as we love The Walking Dead, Techland’s title has plenty of special infected, whereas its zombies are just zombies. Maybe Rick Grimes will dropping by to police the undead.

We’re certainly hoping this is more than just a case of slapping The Walking Dead logo on a bunch of in-game weapons. We’re almost certainly going to get Negan’s infamous “Lucille” baseball bat but there needs to be more than that for this to stand out.

It’s far from the first time The Walking Dead has crossover other other properties. Negan, for example, turned up as a DLC fighter in Tekken 7. Though in that case it was the show’s version of Negan. Going by the logo on the tweet, Dying Light 2 is crossing over with the comic universe.

“Stay tuned for more info” reads the tweet, so hopefully developer Techland is putting some real thought into this. We’ll let you know when we hear more. In the meantime, if you’ve not tackled Dying Light 2 (check out our review here), its 50% off on Steam.


Weekend Editor // Chris has been gaming since the days of the Acorn Electron, which was allegedly purchased to 'help him with his homework'. You can probably guess how well that went. He’ll tackle most genres – football titles aside – though he has a taste for games that that are post-apocalyptic, horror-oriented or thought provoking in nature.