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The Half-Life 2 Lego Total Conversion Has Been Pulled

Half Life 2 Lego

If you’re a LEGO-loving Half-Life 2 fan, or vice versa, we’ve got good news and we’ve got bad news.

Firstly, there’s an excellent Half-Life 2 total conversion that turns the game’s characters, Vortagaunts excepted, into little LEGO guys. There’s also a similar mod for Black Mesa. The bad news is that, after only two days, they’ve both been removed due to a DMCA complaint.

According to developer NotDaveorDaniel1, “The DMCA has come from Lego Brand Protection. And they had basically told me that they own the rights to the Lego Logo and the Lego Minifigurine design.”

If you’ve already got the mod installed it won’t suddenly disappear. But if you were planning on downloading it you’re unfortunately too late. As we got a kick out of seeing the mod in action, we can understand why LEGO did it.

Sure, there are plenty of LEGO-compatible building sets out there, but if you’ve ever investigated them you’ll notice a couple of things. Firstly, they sure as heck don’t use the LEGO brand and secondly, their figures are reminiscent of but still distinct from actual LEGO minifigs.

And, given that the Minifigs were a major, major part of this Half-Life 2 LEGO total conversion, we can’t see the mod being back any time soon. But we love the effort that went into it and hopefully it’ll lead NotDaveorDanie1 to greater things.

Weekend Editor // Chris has been gaming since the days of the Acorn Electron, which was allegedly purchased to 'help him with his homework'. You can probably guess how well that went. He’ll tackle most genres – football titles aside – though he has a taste for games that that are post-apocalyptic, horror-oriented or thought provoking in nature.