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This Fan-Made LEGO Dry Bowser is a Work of Art

LEGO Dry Bowser

Sure, LEGO Bowser may be cool, but have you seen LEGO Dry Bowser?

The answer to that question is, probably since LEGO Dry Bowser, a skeletal version of Mario’s nemesis is a fan creation. It’s also fantastically creepy but that’s kind the point of turning Bowser into an undead beast.

If you’re scratching your head wondering who the hell Dry Bowser is, he’s a spin-off of sorts from Dry Bones, the Super Mario series’ skeletal koopa. He first appeared in New Super Mario Bros. and has cropped up in various games since then.

This model is the work of Reddit user mccarj14, who posted their work in the Reddit forums. No, this isn’t a LEGO Ideas submission though if it ever was it’d get our vote. It obviously reuses existing LEGO pieces it’s a professional-looking piece. More so than some other official models, in fact. Yes, we’re looking at you, Scout Walker Probe Droid, with your many spanners.

Dry Bowser
by u/mccarj14 in lego

Admittedly, the name, Dry Bowser creeps us out a bit, but that’s not mccarj14’s fault. There’s something genuinely unsettling about using the word “dry” to refer to the undead. So far, this is the only set they’ve posted but if this typical of their work we’d love to see more.

If you want an approved LEGO Bowser, here’s the official (if pricey) set out now. And for more LEGO-related news and reviews check out our sister site, That Brick Site.

Weekend Editor // Chris has been gaming since the days of the Acorn Electron, which was allegedly purchased to 'help him with his homework'. You can probably guess how well that went. He’ll tackle most genres – football titles aside – though he has a taste for games that that are post-apocalyptic, horror-oriented or thought provoking in nature.