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This Joel Haver Animation Imagines Baldur’s Gate 3 in Real Life

Baldur's Gate 3 in real life

Animator Joel Haver has imagined Baldur’s Gate 3 in real life and we can’t decide if it’s a nightmare or not.

The animator and filmmaker has produced a sponsored Baldur’s Gate 3 short that inserts the fantasy RPG’s saving roll system into the real world. It sees the hapless protagonist, played by Haver himself, repeatedly failing dice rolls with some generally undesirable effects.

This’ll be the version of reality where he’s turned off BG3’s Karmic Dice Rolls, and where fail rolls can happen again and again and again. He fails a strength check when his alarm goes off, leaving him unable to turn it off. Things only get worse from there.

We’re not going to spoil the rest of the short because it’s absolute comedy gold. We’re big fans of Haver’s work and we’re glad to see that, like Elden Ring before it, he’s getting to partner with gaming companies.

What we can’t figure out is whether we’d actually hate living in this kind of world. There’s something weirdly freeing about the idea of having success or failure determined by a dice roll. Are we going to surrender our free will? Will you read about us getting arrested because a Magic Eight Ball told us to rob a bank. No. But.. still..

You can watch the ‘Life but it’s Baldur’s Gate 3’ animation above and follow Haver on YouTube here. Just don’t tell anyone about your eye-tadpoles.

Weekend Editor // Chris has been gaming since the days of the Acorn Electron, which was allegedly purchased to 'help him with his homework'. You can probably guess how well that went. He’ll tackle most genres – football titles aside – though he has a taste for games that that are post-apocalyptic, horror-oriented or thought provoking in nature.