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This Matt Berry Impersonation Makes Baldur’s Gate 3 Even Better

Baldur's Gate 3 Matt Berry

Baldur’s Gate 3 doesn’t have any DLC (so far) but we’d pay good money for this Matt Berry as BG3 narrator spoof to be a real thing.

Voice actor Ben Kearns is known for, amongst other things, his uncanny impersonation of Matt Berry. Now, he’s turned his talents to imagining just what Baldur’s Gate 3 would be like if the narrator was replaced by Berry.

Don’t get us wrong, Amelia Tyler does an excellent job but hearing Stephen Toast narrate a character’s nocturnal activities, discussing success rolls and the like, had us grinning ear to ear.

Kearns hasn’t, admittedly, played Baldur’s Gate 3 but he’s still got a strong enough grasp of the game to nail his impersonation. “Time and the elements have left the plaque unreadable. Much like 50 Shades of Grey or Prince Harry’s Spare.” And then there’s “authoritayyyyy…”

Actually, now we think about it, scratch that narrator DLC idea. How about just swapping out Astarion with Lazlo from What We Do in the Shadows? There’s no way he’d put up with getting a baby squid in the eyeball.

You can follow Kearns on Twitter here, or find their Linktree here. He’s also lending his voice to space-based comedy hospital game Galacticare, out later this year.

Weekend Editor // Chris has been gaming since the days of the Acorn Electron, which was allegedly purchased to 'help him with his homework'. You can probably guess how well that went. He’ll tackle most genres – football titles aside – though he has a taste for games that that are post-apocalyptic, horror-oriented or thought provoking in nature.